Just like that.
How brilliant is that?!!
I really can do it.
I did it.
I'm not a chocoholic anymore.
I think the trigger was when a colleague described me to a new staff member. Now I like to think of myself as many things, but I didn't get off on the fact that chocoholic was the first thing that came to her mind!
Within hours of this decision, I saw an ad for Michelle Bridges' book, Losing the Last 5 Kilos: your kick-arse guide to looking and feeling fantastic. I bought it.
Page 35 got the sticky note bookmark. She compares motivation and consistency. Motivation is about feeling, but consistency is about doing.
She has a special term to remind her of the steady, relentless action to see a journey to its end - the action of being consistent.
She talks about JFDI!. Just _ Do It! The exclamation mark is mine!
So what will you JFD this day? What's been getting up your nose about yourself for too long? Put a JFDI! sticky note on your computer for a giggle and JFDI!